Does Prayer Help?
Does Prayer Help? What do you think about this question? What I mean is, doesn’t God already know what will be? He is all-seeing and all-knowing. So, when I pray, is it possible to change God’s decision? Let’s say that I have a family member that is sick. I pray and...

Why Bible Study is Necessary for Spiritual Growth
What do you think of when I say “Bible Study?” Do you think of studying like in the classroom?Do you imagine a desk with highlighters, notepads, and post-its? What kind of emotions do you have when you think about spending an hour or so with the Bible reading,...

Will You Judge Me?
Will You Judge Me? Have you already? I want to share a story with you. It’s not my story but one of my former coworker’s who I will call ‘Amy’. It took place several years ago when she and her daughter who I will call ‘Wendy’ were at a...

What is Faith?
How can I have Faith? This is a topic that I myself have struggled with over my years. The dictionary would probably offer some dry logical answer that wouldn’t seem satisfactory to me. When I define ‘Faith’, I want a definition that touches my heart. One verse from...